Monday, July 9, 2012
Wyoming Rodeo
While traveling in Wyoming I went to the Little Snake River Valley Annual Rodeo. I had a blast and got tons of really cool shots. I even got them published, three full pages in The Little Snake River Valley Tribune. See the rest of the photos here:
Dixon, WY 82323, USA
Friday, April 6, 2012
Full Moon Party
Here are photos that I took with a Diana camera. A Diana is is a overpriced plastic camera that is really cheap brittle and creates fuzzy images. They have a unique aesthetic however you have to be okay with a lot of failed photos before you get a good one. The images are much looser than my digital shots
because; You cant really know what the camera is seeing, there is a viewfinder but it isn't very accurate. It was film so I took a lot less and I never knew if I got the shot. Every shot was a gamble. I think I got lucky
with a few.
To give you a little background on the first few images, they are at the Full Moon Party. Which is a huge party that happens every full moon on Hat Rin beach on Koh Pangan Thailand. 30,000 people descend to the beach for one night of insane drinking music and general craziness. There are six dj booths playing all kinds of music. It is basically a huge international party with party ambassadors from every country. Did I mention the drinking? The drinks come in bucket form, they have a bottle of your favorite alcohol a mixer. And to keep you going all night, a thai red bull, which is pretty crazy in itself, it is illegal in the USA.
The General rule of thumb at the full moon party is that you shouldn't go with anything that you aren't willing to loose. So I only took the Diana camera rather than my digital, just in case. I did lose one roll of film but that was because the Diana Broke when I was winding it and I exposed the whole roll when I opened the back. Somehow I manages to hold onto the camera, even-though I was drinking from a bucket. It did get a little sandy. You will have to forgive my photos if they have a slight tilt to them I was also having a pretty good time too.
This is a image of a girl jumping a fire rope, and two people in front of a dj booth.
An area of the beach that wasn't so crowded, but I feel this is a good photo that describes what the full moon party is like to experience.
The bus I took for 8 hours to get to the island ferry port. I was a little nervous to get on because if you read the "I am the wind" post you will understand. But it was okay, a chicken got loose on the bus, but that was the most exciting thing.
The place I stayed on the island called Rainbow Bungalows, it was a really cute place with bungalows right on the beach. A very nice place to recover from a hangover.
To give you a little background on the first few images, they are at the Full Moon Party. Which is a huge party that happens every full moon on Hat Rin beach on Koh Pangan Thailand. 30,000 people descend to the beach for one night of insane drinking music and general craziness. There are six dj booths playing all kinds of music. It is basically a huge international party with party ambassadors from every country. Did I mention the drinking? The drinks come in bucket form, they have a bottle of your favorite alcohol a mixer. And to keep you going all night, a thai red bull, which is pretty crazy in itself, it is illegal in the USA.
The General rule of thumb at the full moon party is that you shouldn't go with anything that you aren't willing to loose. So I only took the Diana camera rather than my digital, just in case. I did lose one roll of film but that was because the Diana Broke when I was winding it and I exposed the whole roll when I opened the back. Somehow I manages to hold onto the camera, even-though I was drinking from a bucket. It did get a little sandy. You will have to forgive my photos if they have a slight tilt to them I was also having a pretty good time too.
This is a image of a girl jumping a fire rope, and two people in front of a dj booth.
An area of the beach that wasn't so crowded, but I feel this is a good photo that describes what the full moon party is like to experience.
The bus I took for 8 hours to get to the island ferry port. I was a little nervous to get on because if you read the "I am the wind" post you will understand. But it was okay, a chicken got loose on the bus, but that was the most exciting thing.
The place I stayed on the island called Rainbow Bungalows, it was a really cute place with bungalows right on the beach. A very nice place to recover from a hangover.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Volunteering at the Thai Child Development Foundation
Whenever I travel I always meet interesting people. In Bangkok I met Maartin, a young Dutch dj who was going to volunteer for a non profit organization called TCDF (Thai Child Development Foundation) for several months. Maartin and I hung out in Bangkok and Ayutthaya, we had fun together but had to go our separate ways, I went north and he went south to volunteer. We had planned on going to the full moon party together so I decide to join him at TCDF and spend a week there helping out doing some good before the debauchery of the Full moon Party.
TCDF Is a really great non-profit. They run a school in very a rural jungle area of Thailand outside of a small town called Pak Song. They help the community by providing a school to the under privileged and developmentally challenged children. How they support themselves is through donations, a restaurant that they run and from bungalows that they rent to tourists. They have a lot of volunteers that come for a few days, a few weeks, or even months to help maintain the gardens, property and buildings. If you ever are in Thailand and want to do some good, I would highly recommend them. How I helped out while I was there, was by helping in the garden and taking pictures. I took photos of the Bungalows that they rent, the school and the volunteers and I gave them the photos to use for promotion.
TCDF is constructing these buildings for people to stay in. These buildings are made out of wood and mud and glass bottles they are very eco friendly and really cool.
The food in Thailand is so pretty. This was just a random meal I had to take a picture of it.
Volunteers exploring
Every Thursday night there is live music at the restaurant it was pretty awesome.
Listening to thai regge around a campfire
Maarten and another volunteer playing ping pong
Maarten walking around TCDF
A volunteer getting water for the garden
Fanny Laughing
The restaurant
The school
The mud on his face is a Burmese custom I forget what it is for.
The kids weren't shy the loved having their picture taken this one stole my hat. I think it looks pretty good on him.
Maarten Hanging out
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I am the wind
While traveling in Thailand I found myself in Chiang Mai. Typically the way I travel on my own, is very whimsical, I don't plan much that way I can go where the wind blows me and be open to adventures that come my way. But sometimes the fates don't give you a direction and you have to go looking.

The next day I checked out of my Hostel and decided to have some breakfast with a friend Zhen from China that I had met there. We went off on a search for a delicious Thai breakfast, which we found (don't go to Thailand if you don't like Thai food). After we were done and walking to find a Tuk Tuk driver to take me to the bus station we passed a motor bike rental. Now I should start out by saying everything in Thailand is cheap, food cost 30-90 baht ($1-3) for a decent meal tuk tuks (taxis) are like 90-150 ($3-5) Hostls are 300 Baht ($10). Even-though things are so cheap that doesn't keep you from searching and haggling for the lowest price. And one of those moments just presented itself as we were walking to get a tuk tuk we passed a motor bike rental advertising motor bikes for 250 baht ($7) per day. I did a little calculation in my head, 100 baht for the tuk tuk to the bus station, and another 250 baht for the bus ticket to Pai (around 12 dollars total). I asked myself why would I get a bus to Pai when it was cheaper (about $3) to drive there myself. I would also have the opportunity to go at my own pace, stop wherever I pleased, and take pictures, that was after-all the whole reason I was in Thailand in the first place.
Change of plan, I am driving myself to Pai. We go into the motor bike rental place and I start to do all of the necessary paper-work and bike inspection etc. Normally they ask for a passport as a deposit, and I have heard countless horror stories about scooter rental places and their deception and I in no way wanted to have them be in control of my freedom. I explained to them I was doing the Mae hong song loop (which goes really close to the border of Burma and Lao) and that I would most likely be stopped by the authorities at some point, and it was absolutely necessary that I had my passport. We came to an agreement where I would leave a cash deposit 3000 Baht ($100)(basically for the value of the motor bike).
I had to go get the cash at a ATM, so I took the scooter to test it out, while Zhen stayed behind and waited. As I was driving to the ATM which was a few blocks away, I was getting increasingly nervous about the prospect of taking a motor bike, on my own, to some really isolated parts of Thailand for several days. As this is all going through my head I am concentrating on staying on the right side of the road and when I say right I really mean left because they drive on the opposite side as they do in the US. I find the ATM get my money, and start to drive back. As I am driving, my thoughts are still on how crazy this idea of driving alone is, I hit some fine sand on the pavement. The bike starts to slide, "shit" I think to myself "I haven't even started yet and I am already crashing". I hit the break (bad move) it starts to go right out from under me. I manage to put my foot down and my hand out, my foot takes most of the weight of the scooter and keeps it from grinding too bad on the ground the rest of the force goes to my hand. My hand got some scratches but my wrist is what got really hurt, (to this day my wrist still hurts with a dull pain, who knows how long that will take to go away). So there I am with a motor bike on the ground and my pride down there with it. I am definitely thinking to myself "what the hell are you doing?" "you need an accomplice". I pick up the bike inspect it no major damage, a few scratches but they were place where someones else had dropped the bike, so I was fine there (Scratched scooters, another Thailand motor bike rental con game for for another article). I make it back without further incident. I go up to Zhen, trying to sound really casual, and say "you should come with me, it will be fun". He was planning on staying in Chiang Mai for a few days taking the tours, he thinks it over and with a few more reassuring words from me and promises of adventure he agrees, "oh thank god" I say to myself. At least there will be someone there to drag my mangled body off of the road if something happens. We rent another motor bike for Zhen without problem. And take a few before pictures, and are off.

After Zhen dusted himself off we continued on our way, this time much more cautious around the corners. We had some more hair raising moments but nothing too crazy. We drove and drove around twists and turns going up and up. Now normally the higher up you go the better the views are. But this time of year, before the rains, they burn the jungles. I don't know why, I still haven't been giving a convincing answer to this; some say it is to prevent big fires, others say it is to give clear areas for hunting, others say it is for agricultural reasons. I don't know which one is right maybe all, maybe, some men just want to watch the world burn. What I do know it makes for pretty shitty vistas. As we reached the top of the mountain I could tell that there was an absolutely amazing view, but there was smoke everywhere limiting viability to about half a mile. It was really too bad, it would have been nice to see, but photographically no big deal, I prefer shooting people.
As we are heading down the mountain on our way to Pai we were passed by the Mini bus that I would have been on had I gone with my original plan, so I am right on schedule. We drive some more and we come across a jungle fire just off the side of the road, we stop to take pictures. It wasn't a huge fire, there wasn't any danger. The fire was only burning the dead leaves and shrubs on the ground, it was more smokey than anything.

We said good bye to the fire fighters and drove on down the road continuing downhill. After a bit we ran into some stopped traffic, now this was a pretty remote section of road it seemed like an odd place for a traffic jam. Since we had out bikes we drove past all of the waiting cars to see what was causing this. As we rounded the corner it became very apparent. right there in front of us was the mini bus. Wrecked. It had lost control on a turn, flew through/over the guard rail hitting a big tree taking off the whole roof like a sardine can and then rolled down the hill. Three people died, and more were injured. This was the bus, the bus I would have taken had I not found the cheaper motor bike. I took a few photos, but felt strange about it. As we watched them take the injured away just leaving the dead. It made me realize that no matter what path you take, sometimes the safer bet is not. We made it to Pai that day, feeling pretty glad to be alive and read for the next adventure tomorrow.
Chiang Mai,
Motor bike,
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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